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Enon Baptist is currently searching for a permanent Pastor.

If God is leading you to seek a position in the ministry with a loving, bible believing church, please contact LaDonna Gosnell at ladgos68@gmail.com

On December 1st 2024 Dr. Oliver “Butch” Skerrett was honored to become interim pastor at Enon Baptist Church. He is joined by his wife, Louise, the former Louise (Winky) Pierson of Brevard. Winky has two
children and Butch has four. They share thirteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Pastor Butch: God’s plan and leadership brought Winky and me together. We both lost our spouses after 58 years but had graduated from Brevard High School together. We have been married for two years. To find new love and a people to pastor in this intervening time is a great blessing. We look forward to the Lord Jesus greatly blessing the people at Enon and the church moving forward under his power. There is a loving spirit among the people at Enon and a desire to move forward under God’s leadership. We are inviting anyone who would desire to experience a fresh move of the Holy Spirit in their life to join us at Enon Baptist Church in our Sunday morning and evening services and our Wednesday morning and evening Bible studies.