TeamKID Kicks Off at Enon Baptist!

We hope that you are making plans for your children to attend our TeamKid Club that launches at 5:30 pm on January 28th @ Enon Baptist Church in Pisgah Forest! The age group for TeamKid is primarily for kids in 1st through 6th grade, but we welcome all children that wish to attend.

What is a TeamKID Meeting?

TeamKID is a high-energy and fun experience that encourages children to know Jesus Christ and how they can to grow a relationship with Him. TeamKID features Bible stories, Scripture memory, missions, life applications, as well as recreation-connect to teach life lessons to kids.

Team KIDA TeamKID Club is a group of 30 or fewer children in grades 1st through 6th, led by a head coach as well as at least one coach who will uses the TeamKID resources to encourage your child’s spiritual growth.

The “KID” in TeamKID stands for Kids in Discipleship. Discipling children is the main goal of the TeamKID program.

What Happens at a TeamKID meeting?

TeamKID is designed for your child to do a lot more than just memorize Bible verses. TeamKid helps your child understand what the verses they are memorizing mean! You see all parts of a TeamKID meeting focus on one Bible message. The noncompetitive games, Bible story, memory verse, missions, refreshments, and conclusion. All this contributes to helping children to understand and apply God’s Word to their lives.

The Parts of a TeamKid Meeting:

A TeamKID meeting is comprised of six parts. Each part flows into the next to keep the pace moving with non-stop energy:

  1. WARM-UP: This is the first activity that starts the moment the first child arrives at TeamKID.
  2. WORKOUT: This phase is an energized, interactive Bible study where the children hear or experience a Bible story. They learn the meaning of a Bible verse, plus learn how they can apply the Bible truths to their lives, singing, and praying.
  3. REACH OUT: Using either the missions DVD, the missions activities, or the mission action projects. This teaches children about missions around the world.
  4. STRETCHING: This part is when your child will work on learning the memory verse.
  5. THE TOURNAMENT: Now is the time to run, play, and laugh with activities and fun games that will reinforce the Bible study.
  6. COOL DOWN: The final few minutes of the meeting includes refreshments as well as a review of what children have learned.

How Will Children Be Recognized?

TeamKID recognizes each child for attending the meetings, completing Bible-related work, and bringing friends with them. Children earn stickers they can redeem for items in a TeamKID Store. Accomplishments are not compared between one child or another. It would be as if children earned patches or some other kind of visible reward.

How Is The Gospel Presented?

In the children’s resources, TeamKID recognizes that children should have opportunities to hear the gospel and respond to it. Many of the meetings provide opportunities for coaches to share the plan of salvation as well as answer questions that children might have.