Growing By Growing Others

Iron Sharpens IronAre you growing and encouraging others to grow? Proverbs 27:17 speaks of “iron sharpening iron.”  Paul also shares with the young pastor Timothy the importance of passing on knowledge to others in 2 Tim. 2:2.

Pastors are certainly called to equip and edify the church. But every Christian can encourage each other in the Lord. Paul thought Timothy. Timothy was expected to pass it on to others. I have been encouraged and given instruction by others who have gone before me. I’ve also tried to pass along some of those lessons to others.  I am most certainly not finished growing in the knowledge of the Lord. Yes, the Bible and Holy Spirit have grown my understanding. But God has also placed faithful men of God in my life to encourage me.  

The church has a whole list of people scripturally set aside to edify and equip the saints. Pastors and teachers being listed among them in Ephesians 4:11-16. I have tried to seek wise counsel in my life and sit under sound teaching. We can all benefit from those spiritually. I’ve personally tried to maintain a teachable spirit. But I have also tried to nurture others in their walk with the Lord.

Proclaiming God’s Word has a purpose according to 2 Tim 4:1-4. We should seek sound teaching and preaching. We need the foundation of a biblical world view. You will be equipped, encouraged and even get your toes stepped on occasionally. You never know what God may reveal to you personally or a valuable insight gained to pass along to someone else. May we all continue growing in our knowledge of the Lord Jesus until He calls us home.

If you have any questions or if I can be of any help to you in your walk with the Lord, reach out to me via our contact page or leave a message on the Enon Baptist Facebook page here.